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Website Dedicated to 2014 Farm Bill Information Now Available Online

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

Corn husks (Photo by Edwin Remsberg).

The 2014 farm bill created new commodity programs, created new crop insurance products, and streamlined many of the conservation programs. Maryland farmers will have many questions over the new FSA programs, crop insurance programs, and other eligibility rules. The University of Maryland Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, along with Maryland Department of Agriculture and USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) and Risk Management Agency have developed a website to provide Maryland farmers with resources to aid in their farm bill decisions.

Farm with an American flag in front (Photo by Edwin Remsberg).

The website located at currently houses presentations from the Farm Bill Workshops that conducted across Maryland in August of 2014. Presentations include those made by FSA officials discussing the new farm programs (commodity and dairy programs), presentations over new crop insurance products (such as Supplemental Coverage Option), educational tools to utilize in the decision making process, changes in the crop insurance program, and a detailed look at the new commodity program and how they could impact Maryland Farms. The presentations also include those covering the new dairy programs. Full versions and printer-friendly versions of the presentations are available on this site.

As new materials and resources become available the page will be updated to aid farmers in their decision-making process. Please check the page regularly as new materials will become available as USDA finalizes the regulations to implement the new commodity programs and insurance products.

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